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Some things on our planet may be too small to notice - and some are simply too big to grasp.


The Brahmaputra is among the latter -- a river system of global superlatives. Yet, paradoxically, It is practically unknown. Its resource near Mount Kailash, Asia's most sacred mountain among the world's highest peaks, remained undiscovered until the turn of the 20th century.


The river keeps changing as it crosses three countries -- China, India and Bangladesh -- that are home to dozens of ethnic groups. Three world religions flourish along its course, and its waters are sacred to each of them.


Brahmaputra -- Sky River of the Himalayas takes an epic journey from the river's icy headwaters, traveling west-east along a 1000 km long suture of two continents between the northern base of the Himalayas and the Tibeten plateau. We follow the river through the Tsangpo Gorge, descending 3000 metres in altitude. We pass through India's monsoon country, as the Brahmaputra embraces the Himalayas by flowing back west along their southern base. We finally follow its course southward into the tropical lowlands and mangrove forests of Bangladesh. This is where our journey ends.





  © 2014 EOS Films.TV, Ltd. Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London. WC1H 9BQ.  


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